So, with the BTS show finally arriving yesterday, I was on the hunt for some more spiderlings!
I was on the look out for Haplopelma lividum (Cobalt Blue), Poecilotheria metallica (Gooty Ornamental), Theraphosa blondi (Goliath Birdeater), Brachypelma ruhnaui (Golden Red Rump), Psalmopoeus irminia (Venezuelan Suntiger) and Pterinochulus murinus (Orange Baboon).
I managed to find three of what I wanted, and went ahead and purchased them! There were also some T.blondi slings there too, but they were a little out of my price range!
Anyway, here are the pics of my new additions!
Brachypelma ruhnaui(albiceps)
Psalmopoeus irminia
Pterinochilus murinus
Apologies for the poor picture of P.irminia but it has been sitting on the wrong side of the cork bark all day and taking pictures through plastic doesn't seem to work! But you can just make it out... Oh, and the OBT is insane!!!!!!! Luckily it is the Orange Colour Form too, so hopefully I should have a very colourful spider in a few years!
My dad also added a new spider to his own collection, a Brachypelma auratum (Mexican Flame Knee). She is a very big kicker of hairs though, as you can see by her bald patch!
Brachypelma auratum