Monday, 25 May 2009

Two more moults

Well, it seems everything in my care is coming round to moult! Today it was the turn of the Nhandu chromatus and Euathlus vulpinus.

Unfortunately the last moult of N.chromatus was practically destroyed as it had been under-ground for quite some time so I wasn't able to get any comparison shots. However I reckon it has at least doubled, if not trebled in size! Also, she had literally finished moulting around 20 minutes before I took the photos so she is very pale because her skin as not finished hardening up.

Euathlus vulpinus
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Nhandu chromatus
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Another new addition

That's right, I have another new addition to my collection, except this is one my dad will take off me when it grows a little bigger and can be housed in a 'proper' setup.

The lucky sling is an Avicularia sp. "Amazonica" (Amazon Giant Pink Toe). Not much is apparantly known about this species. Humidity requirements are much the same as other Avic's but neither I, or the Spider Shop has any idea on it's adult size, so if anyone reading this knows either leave a comment on this post or drop me an email at

Click to Enlarge

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Two moults in the camp

Just when I got round to taking some pictures of the slings, two of them decide to get a new suit!

Both my Brachypelma emilia and Grammostola pulchra have moulted this week, within a day of each other. I was expecting the emilia to moult as she has refused her last three meals, whilst the pulchra refused her latest meal.

I've taken some pictures of their new suits, and put their moults on a tape measure, not that you can take any accurate measurements from them, but it seems the in thing to do at the moment! Also, I have taken a picture comparing their last moults.

Brachypelma emilia
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Grammostola pulchra
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The G.pulchra has already taken her first meal since moulting, but I decided not to feed B.emilia tonight because her fangs were still not black.

I'm guessing that we're going to be seeing a few moults in the coming days or weeks now!

Monday, 18 May 2009

More slings!!!!!!

So, with the BTS show finally arriving yesterday, I was on the hunt for some more spiderlings!

I was on the look out for Haplopelma lividum (Cobalt Blue), Poecilotheria metallica (Gooty Ornamental), Theraphosa blondi (Goliath Birdeater), Brachypelma ruhnaui (Golden Red Rump), Psalmopoeus irminia (Venezuelan Suntiger) and Pterinochulus murinus (Orange Baboon).

I managed to find three of what I wanted, and went ahead and purchased them! There were also some T.blondi slings there too, but they were a little out of my price range!

Anyway, here are the pics of my new additions!

Brachypelma ruhnaui(albiceps)
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Psalmopoeus irminia
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Pterinochilus murinus

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Apologies for the poor picture of P.irminia but it has been sitting on the wrong side of the cork bark all day and taking pictures through plastic doesn't seem to work! But you can just make it out... Oh, and the OBT is insane!!!!!!! Luckily it is the Orange Colour Form too, so hopefully I should have a very colourful spider in a few years!

My dad also added a new spider to his own collection, a Brachypelma auratum (Mexican Flame Knee). She is a very big kicker of hairs though, as you can see by her bald patch!

Brachypelma auratum
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My first non-sling!

Look what the Easter Bunny bought me!!

The Tarantula
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The Setup
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She (I hope) is a Grammostola rosea. Not sure on the age, but I think she maybe has 1 or 2 moults left before maturing. She's a bit skittish which my mum isn't too impressed about because she only agreed to let me have her because I said she could handle her!! I've had her out once or twice and she seems fine, although she does rear up quite a bit at her food!

She is also my first non-sling. You see, my dad and myself keep separate collections despite living in the same house!

She has been put in an 18"x10" setup.

Some new pictures!

Well, here is the first of my major updates! The pictures I promised you ages ago of the original eight slings.

With both C.marshalli and C.fasciatum living underground for the past month, I hadn't been able to get pictures which is why I was holding off. But I had to dig them out yesterday as I was cleaning everything out because of my new additions (more on that later, I want to build the suspense up!!). I had also found that both of them had moulted, but obviously I didn't know when, but checking their feeding records suggest they both moulted around 20th April.

The C.fasciatum is already showing the tiger stripe markings on her abdomen, which I am really surprised at. I wasn't expecting any adult colours for a good few months!

As always, click the images to view them in full size!

Avicularia purpurea

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Brachypelma emilia
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Ceratogyrus marshalli

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Cyclosternum fasciatum
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Euathlus vulpinus

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Grammostola pulchra
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Grammostola rosea

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Nhandu chromatus
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You will notice that I have added a climbing area for E.vulpinus. They are in fact semi-arboreal which coincides with the fact it never goes on the floor. Still, it looks happy enough on the cork bark now!

If you want to compare them to how they looked in the last batch of pictures, then check out the older photos here! here!


Sorry guys and girls but I have been mega busy the past few weeks so I have not really had any time to post! Also nothing interesting has happened at all with my collection, so there really hasn't been anything to post! However, I have some news so I am working on a big post with updated pics and new additions to my collection!

Keep your eyes peeled!