Both my Brachypelma emilia and Grammostola pulchra have moulted this week, within a day of each other. I was expecting the emilia to moult as she has refused her last three meals, whilst the pulchra refused her latest meal.
I've taken some pictures of their new suits, and put their moults on a tape measure, not that you can take any accurate measurements from them, but it seems the in thing to do at the moment! Also, I have taken a picture comparing their last moults.
Brachypelma emilia
Grammostola pulchra
The G.pulchra has already taken her first meal since moulting, but I decided not to feed B.emilia tonight because her fangs were still not black.
I'm guessing that we're going to be seeing a few moults in the coming days or weeks now!
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