Friday, 11 December 2009

And here are some pictures

So here are the pics I promised. A couple of my newest arrival, T.apophysis as well as my other new arrival T.blondi. Also chucked in a handful of my sub-adults that I took pictures of as well as an ever willing G.rosea and post-molt C.marshalli!

Theraphosa apophysis

Click to Enlarge Click to Enlarge

Theraphosa blondi

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Brachypelma smithi

Click to Enlarge Click to Enlarge

Brachypelma boehmi

Click to Enlarge Click to Enlarge

Grammostola rosea

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Ceratogyrus marshalli

Click to Enlarge Click to Enlarge

Another addition...

Ok, this is the last one! And I mean it this time.

However, I think you will all understand. A couple of weeks ago, a guy on RFUK was selling some Captive Bred Theraphosa apophysis spiderlings. Unfortunately I missed out on one because there was a huge demand for them, and he also wanted to keep a few for himself.

Since then, as mentioned in a previous blog post, I acquired a wild caught Theraphosa blondi, which molted not long after I bought it and it appears to be male.

Anyway, two days ago the guy who was selling the T.apophysis slings decided to put them back up for sale so I immediately messaged him and I purchased one, in the hope it would turn out to be female and by the time it gets big enough, the male T.blondi will be on its travels and I will have a spare 3ft tank again! Plus, it’s not every day that CB T.apophysis slings come onto the market!

Anyway, it has arrived this morning. It molted into a sling about four weeks ago apparently, so it is still very young. However, it is possibly the largest sling I have, measuring at about 1.5” leg span!

No pics yet, as I my camera has a dead battery and and I want to leave it settle in for a while.

Oh, and those other pictures are coming, I promise.

Monday, 7 December 2009

A little update

Contrary to my last but one post stating that I was not going to be getting any more T’s, I have!

I have acquired a Theraphosa blondi (not a spiderling, about 5-6” leg span) and a Aphonopelma chalcodes (again, not a spiderling, perhaps 3-4” leg span). The former was my combined early birthday and Christmas present, although part payed for by me as I got rid of my Emperor Scorpions to help pay for it. The latter was a combined anniversary and Christmas present for my Dad!

On the spiderling front, I have had two moults recently. My H.lividum and C.marshalli have both moulted in the last two weeks or so. The H.lividum is living right at the bottom of its pot, so photo opportunities are completely impossible, and I have taken some pics of C.marshalli, which if I can find my camera I shall upload tomorrow! I’ve also been practicing some different methods of photo taking so there may be some other photos as well!

An interesting fact for you all though! Two of my slings, G.pulchra and E.vulpinus have not moulted now for five whole months! G.pulchra is just eating and eating and eating, and E.vulpinus has finally gone off its food so I’m hoping it has gone into pre-moult. I don’t really like all this waiting around for slings to moult!