Friday, 11 December 2009

Another addition...

Ok, this is the last one! And I mean it this time.

However, I think you will all understand. A couple of weeks ago, a guy on RFUK was selling some Captive Bred Theraphosa apophysis spiderlings. Unfortunately I missed out on one because there was a huge demand for them, and he also wanted to keep a few for himself.

Since then, as mentioned in a previous blog post, I acquired a wild caught Theraphosa blondi, which molted not long after I bought it and it appears to be male.

Anyway, two days ago the guy who was selling the T.apophysis slings decided to put them back up for sale so I immediately messaged him and I purchased one, in the hope it would turn out to be female and by the time it gets big enough, the male T.blondi will be on its travels and I will have a spare 3ft tank again! Plus, it’s not every day that CB T.apophysis slings come onto the market!

Anyway, it has arrived this morning. It molted into a sling about four weeks ago apparently, so it is still very young. However, it is possibly the largest sling I have, measuring at about 1.5” leg span!

No pics yet, as I my camera has a dead battery and and I want to leave it settle in for a while.

Oh, and those other pictures are coming, I promise.

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