Sunday, 10 January 2010

All quiet on this front

Hello everyone, hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year!

Its been very quiet here. Nothing has really happened on the sling front since my last update. Everything is eating, nothing has molted (G.pulchra and E.vulpinus are now approaching five months without a molt!).

Unfortunately my Dad's A.geniculata died a few days before Christmas which took us by complete surprise. It was gearing up to molt but we found it dead one morning. Whatever process control molting internally must have gone wrong, as she was not in a death curl or anything. He is now on the look out for another T.

I am a little concerned with my B.emilia at the moment however. She seems very reluctant to move. Normally when I drop a cricket in she runs a mile before capturing her food, however the last two feeds she has done nothing, remained completely lifeless, and remains in the same spot all the time. The food is going, but it just seems quite strange. Her molt records would suggest she isn't due for another few months.

Kurt out.

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