Saturday, 4 April 2009

More pictures

I finally got my A.purpurea to pose for a picture a whole week after I got the others photographed, so here it is in all its glory:

Avicularia Purpurea
Click to Enlarge Click to Enlarge Click to Enlarge

And as promised yesterday, I also took some pictures of the Avic's webbing and the tunnel that the C.marshalli has dug.

Avicularia purpurea's webbing
Click to Enlarge Click to Enlarge

Ceratogyrus marshalli's tunnel
Click to Enlarge


  1. Hey how do you get those nice little pictures on here? Mine are big and get cut off by the layout.

  2. Hey :)

    Its a little bit of html coding.

    I would post it here but for some reason it won't let me. I'll either email it to you or PM it to you on one of the forums.

    Thanks for checking out the blog, by the way! :)
