Monday, 20 April 2009

What a day!

So I was doing my feeding rounds this evening and I have found three more moults! Although in truth it wasn't as easy as that!

My G.rosea's moult was easy enough to find, although it had taken me a little bit by surprise because she never seemed to go through the pre-moult phase; she hasn't been off her food and she hadn't really changed colour.

Then I came to my A.purpurea, and noticed that she was a lot more 'shiny' and a lot bigger. After a lot of rooting round, I found her moult, tucked away nicely on the bit of greenery I have in for her. This one I was really chuffed about though, because Avic's need really high humidity, around 80% to be able to survive and obviously its hard to monitor that in such a small setup.

With all that behind me, and nearly everyone given a cricket, I decided to have a root around in my three slings that like living underground; my C.marshalli, N.chromatus and C.fasciatum.

First up was the Nhandu, and Jesus did she give me a scare! After around a minute of very light digging around and removing of substrate, I came across some legs which were not moving, and slowly digging away I found what looked like a dead sling! As you can imagine, my heart sank a little but I wanted to make sure. Thankfully though after a little bit more digging I could see some movement and there she popped out, making it my third successful moult today! Ofcourse, I don't know when she moulted, but I guess it was within the last week as she is still quite pale.

Anyway, I then proceeded to dig out the other two, and both of them are massive! I dug them both out completely but could find no trace of a moult, so I'm guessing they're now both in pre-moult, which would tie in nicely with their feeding records; the C.fasciatum hasn't eaten now for a whole week!

Kurt out.


  1. Hey man,

    Our C.fasciatum is still underground too!
    How long are you leaving your moulted ones before feeding again? My red knee moulted on Sunday night, found it on Monday morning. I was thinking of feeding it Friday....

  2. Yeah I feed on Mondays and Fridays, so if I find it Monday I go for Friday and vice-versa.

    But I've noticed that some of the slings take longer to 'harden' up than others, so I just play it by year really. I've noticed they all go really white after they've moulted and then darken after a week or so, so I just play it by year really, but I don't break my feeding routine.

    But yeah, try it on Friday, if it doesn't want it then it won't take it, thats my motto! :)

  3. Wow looks like your having a bunch-o-molts too. My fasciatum recently molted, 1 week and 5 days ago to be exact and it went off food for a month before it molted. Just gave it it's first meal tonight and it was sure hungry. Good luck.
